
Search results

  1. Information for importers of equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases on their obligations under the EU F - gas Regulation

    ... Schlagwörter:  F-gas Regulation F-gases F-Gase F-Gas-Verordnung Import authorisation ...

    oeko - 17.01.2018 - 15:24

  2. Scenarios and Projections

    Inventories of F-gases and ODS as well as ODS and F-gas alternatives provide the background ...

    oeko - 01.02.2018 - 12:03

  3. Evaluation of the current EU F-gas regulation

    ...   Schlagwörter:  F-gases F-gas Regulation ...

    oeko - 22.07.2022 - 09:42

  4. Policy Consulting and Capacity Building

    ... emission reductions. Measures reducing the emissions of F-gases , ODS and other fluorinated gases also contribute to climate ...

    oeko - 09.01.2018 - 13:15

  5. Information for technicians and users of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases

    ... . Schlagwörter:  F-Gase F-gases ...

    oeko - 31.03.2016 - 15:05

  6. Impact assessment of the current EU F-gas regulation

    ... Sprache:  Englisch Download:  f-gases_external_preparatory_study_en.pdf Support contract ...   Schlagwörter:  F-gases F-gas Regulation environmental impact assessment ...

    oeko - 22.07.2022 - 09:41

  7. Implementierung der ab dem Berichtsjahr 2013 gültigen IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2006 in die Inventarerhebung fluorierter Treibhausgase (HFKW, FKW, SF6, NF3)

    ... reporting Inventar Inventory UNFCCC F-Gase F-gases ...

    oeko - 05.04.2016 - 15:05
