

  1. The Rise of F-Gases as Share in Global Warming Emissions

    ... (PDF-Download) Today, the share of F-gases (fluorinated greenhouse gases) in total global warming emissions is ... Including present-day emissions of chlorine-containing F-gases, the current global warming potential of F-gas emissions represents not ...

    admin - 22.02.2017 - 15:35

  2. Implementation of the EU regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) and ozone depleting substances (ODS) in Bulgaria

    ... efficiently implement and enforce the EU regulations on F-gases and ODS. During a study trip to Germany and two workshops, knowledge ... and inspection processes of the placing on the market of F-gases and ODS as well as of products that contain these substances will be ...

    oeko - 27.11.2018 - 11:22

  3. F-gases

    The term “F-gases” relates to fluorinated greenhouse gases including HFCs ... and photovoltaics industries. Regulations F-gases have no ozone depleting potential but some of them have a very high ...

    oeko - 04.06.2018 - 14:52

  4. Roadmap for the Approximation of Georgian law on F-Gases and ODS to the EU law under the Association Agreement of Georgia

    ... experts performed stakeholder consultations on ODS and F-gases in Georgia and drafted proposals for national ODS and F-gas ...

    oeko - 27.11.2018 - 11:30

  5. Emissions, Activity Data, and Emission Factors of F-Gases in Germany 1995-2002

    ... the fluorinated greenhouse gases HFCs, PFCs, and SF6 ( F-gases ) aroused little public attention. Since then, the standards on ... makes detailed declarations on use and emissions of F-gases necessary, which have to be filled in specified formats for submission ...

    admin - 22.02.2017 - 15:35

  6. Alternatives to ODS and F-gases

    ... of environmentally friendly alternatives to ODS and F-gases is available for different applications to avoid the use and emission ...

    oeko - 09.01.2018 - 12:58

  7. Implementation of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: IPPU - F-gases

    Juni 2014 Ort:  Presentation at a capacity building workshop in Brussels Autor:  Winfried Schwarz Sprache:  Englisch Download:  Presentation_IPPU_Fgases_June2014 …

    oeko - 11.04.2016 - 15:37

  8. Alternatives to ODS and F-gases

    oeko - 22.03.2016 - 11:16

  9. Technical Assistance for Increased Capacity for Transposition and Capacity Building on F-gases in Turkey

    Auftraggeber:  Central Finance and Contract Unit (CFCU), The Republic of Turkey Partner:  GFA Consulting Group GmbH, Deutschland HEAT GmbH, Deutschland ANKON Consulting, Türkei Projektdauer:  June 2017 - June…

    oeko - 27.11.2018 - 11:14

  10. Waste and disposal emissions from F-gas containing refrigeration and potential actions to improve recovery of F-gases

    ... their knowledge on the waste streams for recovered F-gases and ODS and related legislation in Europe. Input to this project ...

    oeko - 27.11.2018 - 11:29
