

Welcome at Öko-Recherche

Öko-Recherche is an independent environmental research institution and consultancy located in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Since its foundation in 1995, Öko-Recherche has been working on issues related to environmental protection, chemical safety and climate protection at national as well as international level.

Ozone depleting substances, fluorinated greenhouse gases and alternatives

We are specialists for fluorochlorinated and fluorinated substances in various applications, their replacement and emission reductions. Over the years we have become experts on mass flow analyses and scenario-making for related matters.


Latest publications

Umweltfreundliche mobile Klimatisierung mit natürlichen Kältemitteln: Klimatisierung von Schienenfahrzeugen mit Propan (R290)

February 2025, Lutz Boeck, Steffen Poser, Sascha Mader, Andreas Marschinke, Peter Danzer, Dr. Peter Claus, Johannes Wegele, Leonhard Hörth, Barbara Gschrey, Kristina Warncke, David Robin

Inventarermittlung der F-Gase 2021/2022

March 2024, Kristina Warncke; Barbara Gschrey