
New agreement on HFCs reached in Kigali

Oktober 2016
Barbara Gschrey

The global reduction of climate-impacting fluorocarbons (HFCs) has been agreed: the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, including all the 197 countries of the United Nations, agreed on a gradual reduction in the production and consumption of HFCs in Kigali / Rwanda last weekend. The Montreal Protocol for the protection of the ozone layer thus becomes an effective climate agreement.
The so-called "Kigali Amendment" contains different timetables for phasing down quantities of HFCs in industrialized and developing countries. A reduction of 85 percent of HFC consumption by 2036 is foreseen for industrialized countries. The first reduction step for most industrialized countries is set for 2019. For the developing countries and emerging markets, differentiated reduction plans with targets of 80 and 85 percent, respectively, are applicable for the period from 2024 to 2047. In fulfilling their obligations, developing countries receive additional financial support through the Multilateral Fund of the Montreal Protocol.
Reductions in global HFC consumption have been discussed since 2009 under the Montreal Protocol. As early as 2015, the EU decided to gradually reduce the HFC placed on the market in order to initiate the transition to climate-friendly alternatives (EU F-Gas Regulation 517/2014).
Experts at Öko-Recherche have been involved in analyses, calculations and negotiations for an international HFC agreement for years. Out team also cooperated in the development of many measures of the EU F-Gas Regulation.

HFC Kigali Montreal Protocol