
Briefing Paper: Preliminary assessment of the quota allocation method

November 2016
Wolfram Jörß
Barbara Gschrey
Bastian Zeiger

Briefing Paper: Preliminary assessment of the quota allocation method

Input to the Consultation Forum on 1 December 2016

1. Context:

Article 21(5), Regulation, (EU) No 517/2014 ("F-gas Regulation") calls for an assessment of the quota allocation method used to implement the HFC phase-down to be published by the European Commission by 1 July 2017. This briefing paper was drafted by Öko-Institut and Öko-Recherche on the basis of work currently being carried out for DG CLIMAincluding an analysis of data in DG CLIMA`s HFC Registry and the EEA`s BDR reporting tool as well as a stakeholder survey among companies conducted in June 2016. It is intended to provide some background to participants at the Consultation Forum on fluorinated greenhouse gases, to be held in Brussels on 1 December 2016.

quota allocation