Annual European Union greenhouse gas inventory 1990–2017 and inventory report 2019

Mai 2019
Barbara Gschrey
Steffi Osterheld
et al.

Submission under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol

"The European Union (EU), as a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), reports annually on greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories for the years between 1990 and the current calendar year (t) minus two (t-2), for emissions and removals within the area covered
by its Member States (i.e. emissions taking place within its territory).

The present report is the official inventory submission of the European Union for 2019 under the UNFCCC and also under the Kyoto Protocol (KP)."


This report was prepared on behalf of the European Commission (DG CLIMA) by the European Environment Agency’s (EEA) European Topic Centre on Climate Change Mitigation and Energy (ETC/CME) supported by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and Eurostat.

The coordinating authors were Nicole Mandl and Marion Pinterits (ETC). Other authors and contributors were, in alphabetical order, Graham Anderson (ETC), Gema Carmona (JRC), Michaela Gager (ETC), Silke Gaisbauer (ETC), Michael Goll (Eurostat), Giacomo Grassi (JRC), Barbara Gschrey (ETC), Céline Gueguen (ETC), Bernd Gugele (ETC), Coralie Jeannot (ETC), Kaat Jespers (ETC), Sasha Jevsejenko (DG Clima), Olivier Juvyns (DG Clima), Matina Kastori (ETC), Eva Krtkova (ETC), Francesca Lanza (DG Clima), Adrian Leip (JRC), Bradley Matthews (ETC), Giorgos Mellios (ETC), Lorenz Moosmann (ETC), Ils Moorkens (ETC), Laetitia Nicco (ETC), Beata Ondrusova (ETC), Steffi Osterheld (ETC), Maria Purzner (ETC), Elisabeth Rigler (ETC), Günther Schmidt (ETC), Carlos Roberto Sosa (ETC), Janka Szemesova (JRC), Raul Abad Viñas (JRC), Julien Vincent (ETC).

The EEA project manager was Ricardo Fernandez, with the strong support from Melanie Sporer, Herdis Gubrandsdottir and Claire Qoul (EEA). The EEA also acknowledges the input and comments received from the EU Member States and Iceland, which have been included in the final version of the report as far as practically feasible.


EU greenhouse gas inventory
EU Treibhausgas-Inventar