
Supporting Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Policies

EU Commission (DG CLIMA)

Öko-Recherche is still working on a series of analyses evaluating the implementation of the F-gas Regulation (EU) No 517/2014.

This includes among others the following:

  • Monitoring of refrigerant prices: As a result of the progressive reduction (“phase-down”) of HFC quantities in the EU, prices for high GWP HFC refrigerants haven risen strongly and further price increases are expected in the coming years. In addition, prohibitions stipulated in Annex III of the F-gas Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 will contribute to price changes. 

In order to identify the actual effects of price increases on investment decisions and market developments, Öko-Recherche has developed a methodology for regular price monitoring and analysis of price developments. It allows gathering and evaluating data on purchase and selling prices of commonly used refrigerants and their alternatives at all levels of the supply chain (gas producers, gas distributors, OEMs, and service companies). The analysis also covers aspects such as the sectoral use and regional availability refrigerants and prices of quota authorisations. 

Concerning the acquisition of companies, Öko-Recherche works closely with associations from Germany (BWP, VDKF) and other EU member states (AFCE, ATF, CITEPA, SNEFFCA) and EU associations (AREA, ASERCOM, EPEE, Eurovent). Meanwhile about 70 companies from all levels of the refrigerant supply chain are participating in the quarterly price survey. Here, all information is treated confidentially and evaluated anonymously. 

Companies are invited to participate in the price monitoring survey. Questionnaires in German and English for the respective group as well as more detailed information about the price monitoring survey (see webinar presentation) can be found under the following links. Providing price data retroactively for earlier quarters is not required, but - if possible - very welcome. Please send the completed questionnaire to Mr. David Robin (, who is also available for any further questions.

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